Poll: Media Suppression of Hunter Biden Laptop Story Helped Make Joe Biden President

It’s hard to understate the significance of the Hunter Biden laptop story with regard to how it was buried by big tech and mainstream media to keep Donald Trump from a second term in the White House.

With the material on the laptop now verified by yet another source, the New York Times, it’s worth pointing out that a sizable number of votes cast for Joe Biden in 2020 wouldn’t have happened if this story was covered as the truth that it was.

As now pointed out by the Post Millenial, polling showed that almost 20% of Biden voters, or nearly 1 in 5, would not have voted for Joe Biden had they known about the corruption his son, Hunter Biden, was involved in and Joe’s possible role in it:

After the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop was suppressed, a poll was released showing that 16 percent of voters who were unaware of the laptop scandal would have not voted for Biden had they known about it at the time.

“Seems like a good day to remind everyone that 16 percent of Biden voters would NOT have voted for Biden if they had been aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story,” said Kyle Martinsen on Twitter, linking to the poll.

At the point when the poll was taken, 79 percent of respondents were still comfortable voting for Biden, with four percent switching their votes to Donald Trump, another four voting for a third candidate, and a further four percent would have skipped voting for president.

Here’s the poll and Tweet referenced above:

That’s a seismic number of votes that could have undoubtedly shifted the election in Donald Trump’s favor had companies like Facebook and Twitter not decided to ban the original New York Post article about the Hunter Biden laptop from being shared. Twitter went so far as to disable the New York Post’s Twitter account entirely for allegedly sharing “Russian disinformation” by even reporting on the laptop.

As we reported months ago, corroborated by Politico, the Hunter Biden laptop was entirely authentic and the materials contained on it were the property of Hunter Biden himself. There was no Russian disinformation campaign related to the Hunter Biden laptop, that was a purely concocted falsehood by the media and the Biden campaign in connection with partisan “intelligence sources.”

Among the findings, other than Hunter’s degenerate drug and hooker-fueled lifestyle, was the revelation that Joe Biden, referred to as “the big guy” in various emails, was part of the dealings getting percentages of the funds that Hunter Biden brought it from jobs like sitting on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma despite holding no experience in the field whatsoever.

The coordinated effort, led by media sources back in 2020 such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and the rest was to bury the story and paint anyone reporting it as being a tool for Russian disinformation.

The New York Post, which had already corroborated much of the material based on validating emails by contacting those who had been on the receiving end, stood by the laptop story from the beginning and has been vindicated several times over since then.

It’s safe to say, and now becoming more provable, that big tech and the Democrat-controlled media colluded to put Joe Biden in the White House, ultimately hindering democracy by suppressing information:

The reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which revealed President Biden’s involvement with his son’s enterprises with Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, was broken by the New York Post. Other media outlets refused to report on the story, or claimed that the materials were “Russian disinformation.”

The New York Times, NPR, Politico and the Washington Post, acted to suppress the story, with the Times by publishing an article calling the laptop story “unsubstantiated” in September 2021, then editing the story without publishing a formal correction notice.

On Thursday, the Times acknowledged the legitimacy of the story as part of another story about Hunter Biden’s tax liabilities.

For all the talk of Donald Trump colluding with Russia in 2016, a demonstrable hoax that never happened, the real collusion took place in 2020 between the media, the Biden campaign, and tech companies to suppress information and keep voters in the dark.

Furthermore, Joe Biden outright lied on stage to some 90 million Americans when he uttered these disgraceful words and called the laptop story “Russian disinformation”:

Not only was the story not “discredited,” as Joe Biden claimed on the debate stage, much if not all of it is true, and the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop prove it.

The White House today is deflecting any comment on the Hunter Biden laptop story as told in the New York Times by batting it away because “Hunter Biden doesn’t work in the government, ” according to Jen Psaki.

Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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