Biden Job Approval Craters: 46 States Disapprove of President’s Performance

You can guess which four states slightly approve of Biden’s job performance, can’t you? It’s none other than Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Vermont, where Biden barely ekes out a slight net approval over net disapproval.

For the rest, including liberal bastions like California and New York, Biden is treading water with a very healthy level of disapproval according to a large, nationwide poll performed by the Civiqs polling organization.

The poll was taken of 166,000 or so registered voters nationwide in all 50 states with the results painting a grim picture for Democrats all over the map, especially in swing states:

Joe Biden continues to show dismal favorability across the country with only four states giving him a higher approval than disapproval score and key swing states’ approval averaging in the low 30s.

The president’s approval rating nationally sits around 40 percent, according to several tracking averages, but a new CIVIQS poll showed it sitting at 34 percent from the 165,786 respondents surveyed.

His disapproval is at 57 percent and 9 percent neither approve nor disapprove in the dire poll results revealed on the day new data showed wholesale inflation surged by 9.7 percent last month.

The latest numbers spell impending disaster for the upcoming midterm elections as Democrats try to hold onto or expand their razor-thin 222-212 margin in the House and 50-50 split in the Senate.

Biden’s lowest approval rating, the poll reveals, is in West Virginia, where only 16 percent approve of the president and a whopping 79 percent disapprove of his job in office so far.

Here’s the actual map with respondents answering the question, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?” The darker the orange, the higher level of disapproval:

The darkest orange states, like Wyoming, West Virginia, South Dakota, and Idaho, range from a -49 net approval to a whopping -62 net approval.

Even of the blue-tinted states above, only Hawaii and Vermont give Biden +12 and +10, Maryland and Massachusetts are at +1 and +7 respectively.

Overall, Biden’s sitting at just 34% approval once all the numbers are totaled up, a stunningly low number with a stunningly large sample size of registered voters, a group which usually polls better for Democrats. You can visit the map and check out the rest of the states here.

They also provide this trend map which is hard to see, so click on it and blow it up if you need to. The overlay shows when large news cycle events occurred such as “Taliban captures Kabul” or “Infrastructure bill passes”:

The line is on a constant downward trend as visualized above to the point where Biden has hit a -22 net approval nationwide.

Where do Democrats go from here? Ahh yes, the gas tax holiday. That should straighten things out by removing 18 cents in cost that will be eaten up in a week as Russia prepares to penetrate Ukraine.

More so, what does this say about the Democratic “green” agenda overall if the panic is setting in once gas prices get into the high three and four dollar range over supply chain problems? What about when Democrats want to start cutting fossil fuel supplies intentionally to stifle the internal combustion engine and move everyone to electric vehicles? That’s another topic for another day, but illustrates the stupid corner into which AOC and the Squad have painted their party.

Democrats are grasping for anything now, which is humorous since they spent the entirety of 2021 coasting along while Biden bungled everything that came at him. He’s currently bungling the Russia-Ukraine conflict and quickly escalating it into a war and ginning up fear for some reason. Not to mention that dead dog he left on that lady’s porch.

The confirmed news of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden spying on Donald Trump’s campaign and presidency can’t help either.

Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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