Nancy Pelosi Says Infrastructure Bill About ‘Climate Change and Gender Justice’

Funny, I thought that the “infrastructure” bill passed by the House on Friday night was about funding infrastructure. Turns out it’s just another vehicle for a left-wing agenda to be crammed down the throats of the American people according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

When speaking at the COP26 climate conference, Pelosi set the record straight explaining that Biden’s agenda, consisting of the infrastructure bill and the Build Back Better framework, is all about “climate change and gender justice” to help “women and girls to lead a just transition to clean energy economy of the future.”

I don’t know how anyone could have mistaken funding roads and highways for gender justice and climate justice, but here we are. If you were in any doubt as to why the GOP should have let the infrastructure bill die a slow death at the hands of progressive House Democrats, there’s your evidence.

The strange twisted way the world works inside Nancy Pelosi’s head would drive sane people mad:

As one well-known weather activist would say, “blah, blah, blah.” Does anyone listen to this stuff and find it compelling outside of the faculty lounge? How about Pelosi’s constituents back in California facing inflationary food prices, skyrocketing gas prices, and a slowed economy. Go lecture them about “climate justice” when they’re paying $7.00 a gallon gasoline.

For Democrats, this isn’t about roads and bridges, it’s about installing social “equity” and “justice” all over the country using whatever means necessary:

“We’re here to report on what we have done,” Pelosi said, going on to refer to “a nearly trillion dollar investment in Build Back Better and bipartisan infrastructure framework” that “recognizes the interconnectiveness [sic] of climate change and gender justice and enables women and girls to lead a just transition to clean energy economy of the future.”

Pelosi went on to talk about the administration’s “mission to decarbonize and realign every sector of the economy … to scale the solutions necessary for achieving net zero pollution globally,” which is reflected in the bipartisan infrastructure bill that Congress has already passed. She then, however, referred to multiple “bills,” indicating that she was also pointing to the social spending bill that has not yet passed.

Republicans helped move the ball down the field when it comes to a radical climate change agenda bent on retooling the U.S. economy and eliminating fossil fuels entirely. In case you haven’t noticed, the world still runs on petroleum and we’re all paying the price at the gas pump for an administration that is trying to limit oil consumption and stifle domestic energy production.

The cost of electricity is set to skyrocket as the green energy agenda takes hold, and Americans are in for a rude awakening. Pelosi let the mask, so to speak, slip, when she outlined what this legislation is really about which is incrementally moving the window more toward the direction of “climate justice” which is code for crippling the U.S. economy.

This is the belief system driving every part of President Biden’s agenda. His image as the “middle of the road” moderate option was a ruse to get him elected. Once he’s in, it’s left-wing activists like Pelosi and the House Progressive Caucus running the show governing like they control 60% of the country.

For Democrats, nothing is ever just about roads and bridges, there has to be some kind of social justice baked in to ensure they’re speaking the language of their base. It’s not enough to build a new bridge, we have to first acknowledge why the other bridges are racist. We have to build a new economy underpinned by a left-wing Marxist agenda of redistribution and “equity” that divides people by skin color and ruins society at the same time.

Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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