TGIED: Thank God It’s Election Day!

It’s been a loooooong, painful campaign. We’ve finally reached the day that seemed would never come. But here we are. If you haven’t voted yet, stop reading and go. We’ll wait. While we’re waiting, let’s take a look at what the New York Post has to say.

There might be more surprises ahead, but the framers prepared us for almost any contingency. Look for electors going rogue, an Electoral College deadlock or contested voting results like Florida’s in 2000. There’s even the bizarre possibility of a Trump-Kaine administration. Here’s the lowdown on some strange — but plausible — outcomes when the votes are counted:

• Can the winner of the popular vote lose?

. . . Even if Hillary racks up huge margins in Illinois, New York and other states with lots of urban voters, Trump could still eke out an Electoral College win because of his following in many less-populous states.

That’s by design. The framers wanted to ensure that the president-elect has support from as much of the country as possible, not just voter-heavy redoubts.

• Late-breaking surprises are possible right up to Jan. 6

That’s the day Congress meets to count the electoral votes. It’s generally just mechanical. But there could be shockers this time.

• Pay attention to maverick electors

Generally, electors are party loyalists and big donors who regard their role as ceremonial. But nothing in the Constitution or in federal law explicitly prohibits them from defying the popular vote in their state and going rogue. Some state laws bar defiance, but those laws are constitutionally suspect.

It’s not like it hasn’t been done. In our nation’s history, 85 electors have defied voters and gone with their conscience instead. This time around, a Washington state Democratic elector — a strong supporter of vanquished Clinton rival Bernie Sanders — has already announced that he won’t cast his vote for Hillary Clinton if she wins his state.

Earlier, we had noted that an elector from Texas has also said he would not vote for Trump in the Electoral College.

Back to the Post:

• Electoral College deadlock

To win, a candidate must get 270 electoral votes — a majority of the 538 total. Based on the latest polls, this race is so close that it’s possible Clinton and Trump could tie at 269. In that case, the Constitution says the House of Representatives chooses the president, with each state having one vote, and the Senate chooses the vice president.

• Will the Supremes decide the election?

Democrats and Republicans are already lawyering up, laying the groundwork for possible challenges to the popular vote in states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. Just like Bush vs. Gore, this election could land in the Supreme Court.

OK, how about if we lighten up a bit. Here are a few jokes (here and here) from FullRedneck.

Q: Apparently Monica Lewinsky won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton this election
A: She says the last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth

Q: If Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a boat and it capsizes. Who survives?
A: America

Q: What is Donald Trump’s favorite chewing gum?
A: Bigly Chew

Q: What’s the difference between God and Donald Trump?
A: God doesn’t think he’s Donald Trump.

Q: What does Donald Trump tell Obama supporters he’s trying to win over?
A: Orange is the new black.

And, finally, here’s a map from UK’s Telegraph, showing what the election looks like to them.

Goethe Behr

Goethe Behr is a Contributing Editor and Moderator at Election Central. He started out posting during the 2008 election, became more active during 2012, and very active in 2016. He has been a political junkie since the 1950s and enjoys adding a historical perspective.

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