Chief Justice Reads Rules for President Trump’s Impeachment Trial to Senate

Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts reads rules which will govern the impeachment trial of President Trump in the U.S. Senate.

Video Transcript

Justice John Roberts: The Senate will convene as a court of impeachment. If there is no objection, the journal of proceedings of the trial are approved today. I’m aware of one senator present who was unable to take the impeachment oath last Thursday, will he please rise, raise his right hand, and be sworn?

Do you solemnly swear that in all things and pertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, President of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws, so help you God?

Senator: I do

Justice Roberts: The secretary will note the name of the Senator who has just taken the oath, and will present the oath book to him for signature

Bernie Sanders Responds to Hillary Clinton Saying “Nobody Likes Him”

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont was questioned about a new documentary in which former secretary of state Hillary Clinton says “nobody likes” Bernie in Congress, and made other disparaging remarks.

Video Transcript

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Look, uh, right now today I’m dealing with impeachment and right now my focus is, outside of the impeachment trial, doing everything I can to defeat the most dangerous president in modern American history, that is Donald Trump and that’s really about all I have.

Reporter: But, Senator, some of the things Secretary Clinton said was about your supporters . . .

Sen Sanders: Alright, look, look, look. Secretary Clinton entitled to her point of view. My job today is to focus on the impeachment trial, my job today is to put together a team that can defeat the most dangerous president in the history of the United States of America.

Reporter: Why do you think the Secretary is still talking about 2016?

Sen. Sanders: That is a good question, ask her