Pew Poll: Just 40% Say Biden Doing Good Job Handling COVID

Even that number, at 40%, seems high, but polls are polls. The point here is that Biden is now skimming the lowest of lows in public support on an issue that was supposed to be a big winner for him. Is it any wonder why the White House may soon decide it’s time to declare “Mission Accomplished” once more and pivot again?

Biden voters eagerly rushed to the polls in 2020 ready to throw out Trump and his, as they viewed it, incompetent Covid response. What they have now, in return, is learning that Trump’s Covid response was far better in comparison to Biden’s endless broken promises and public embarrassments.

Behold, the new numbers from Pew Research, which found that Americans have a lot of faith in their doctors and nurses, and far less faith in their public health bureaucrats and elected government officials:

Biden sitting at the bottom of that pile is probably right where he should be. He’s not a doctor or even a public health policy expert, he’s a politician trying to run alongside this Covid clown car and assure everyone he’s got things under control as he gets run over in the process.

Obviously, the public sees through his claims and promises since we’re all watching it play out in our daily lives and on our TV screens every day. Biden hitting 40% is near Trump’s low number of 36% in the same poll:

Evaluations of elected leaders at all levels of government have also moved lower. A majority (60%) now describes the job Joe Biden is doing responding to the coronavirus as only fair or poor. The share of Americans who say Biden is doing an excellent or good job (40%) is down 7 points since August and is now only slightly higher than the share who said Donald Trump did an excellent or good job responding to the coronavirus outbreak over the course of his presidency (36%).

Amazingly, through Biden’s failures on Covid, and perhaps because of them, the public is deciding that it’s time to return to normal activities, which is probably why you’re seeing Democratic Governors trying to jump on this train as it leaves the station:

One big change seen in the new survey is the increased comfort Americans express around everyday activities. Large shares now say they are comfortable visiting with close family and friends in their home (85%) and going to the grocery store (84%). Majorities also say they feel comfortable visiting a hair salon or barbershop (73%) or eating out in a restaurant (70%). Comfort levels with most activities in the survey are roughly 20 percentage points higher than in November of 2020, before the availability of COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S.

What’s done is done, and once the CDC and White House give in to the fact that they need to politically decided to relax their guidelines, the issue will be over and Biden can put this festering failure behind him.

There was a sizable percentage of the population that foolishly assumed that by removing Trump, Covid would subside and the “adults” could get things straightened out. What they instead found was that Biden created a White House cabinet full of inexperienced woke warriors less interested in competent management, and more interested in left-wing social policy.

From Afghanistan to the economy to Covid, Biden has no positive approval numbers on anything.

Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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