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Mitt Romney wins non-binding Wyoming caucuses - Election Central

Mitt Romney wins non-binding Wyoming caucuses

Wyoming Republicans have been caucusing in their respective counties over the month of February leading up to the announcement of the results on Wednesday, March 1. The final county held its caucus Wednesday night which meant the results could now be tallied. Mitt Romney was handed a non-binding victory with Rick Santorum following closely in 2nd place.

Complete Results: Wyoming GOP

Report from The Boston Channel:

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has won the Wyoming caucuses.

Based on straw-poll results compiled and released by the Wyoming Republican Party, Romney won 39% of the votes cast in straw polls conducted at county-level caucuses.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum came in second with 32% of the straw poll vote, followed by Texas Congressman Ron Paul with 21% and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich with 8%.

The delegate count may be closer. Of the 26 delegates at stake, CNN estimates Romney will pick up 10 delegates, while Santorum will take in nine delegates, Paul will receive six, and Gingrich one.

Throughout the month of February, Wyoming Republicans held caucuses and cast votes in straw polls in 22 of the state’s 23 counties. The final county, Sweetwater County, held its caucus Wednesday night.

A little more than 2,000 people caucused this year in Wyoming, the state with the country’s smallest population at just over half a million residents.

The February caucuses and straw polls are the first step in Wyoming’s delegate selection process. County-level delegates to the national convention in Tampa will be chosen at county conventions on March 6-10, and statewide delegates will be selected at the state GOP convention in April.

Wyoming will select their delegates at their state convention later this spring.

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Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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