The latest from the Fox News “12 in 2012” series on South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint.
DeMint has become a huge favorite among the Republican base in recent years. See more on DeMint from Fox News:
Senator Tea Party, as Jim DeMint is sometimes known, is a moniker the first-term senator began wearing before the Tea Party became a household name. It’s also a description that has pushed the South Carolina Republican out of the shadows and into the forefront of electoral politics.
“I’m proud to be called Senator Tea Party. I feel like I’m giving a voice to people who are very frustrated that Washington’s not listening,” DeMint told Fox News.
This fall, DeMint, who was just re-elected to his second term in the Senate, took his commitment to making Washington listen out on the campaign trail – and not merely in his own race. He endorsed high-profile conservatives and donated millions from his political action committee to failed Senate candidates Ken Buck of Colorado, Sharron Angle of Nevada and Christine O’Donnell of Delaware as well as successful contestants Marco Rubio of Florida and Rand Paul of Kentucky.
It’s a success rate that has made people wonder whether the GOP could have done better had DeMint not been so stubborn, but it’s also one that has compelled people to keep a close eye on the Tea Party hero.
DeMint could be a real contender though right now his recognition is limited mostly to the Republican base.
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