Thanks, Joe! Gas Prices Hit 7-Year High as Biden Touts ‘Lowering Costs for Families’

With gas prices now at a seven-year high in America, it’s worth taking a gander around to see what might have helped cause this economic calamity. The White House will claim its increased demand and the evil oil companies. They’d be wrong, of course, and misplacing blame.

Biden’s policies, since the day he took office, immediately undercut our ability to remain energy independent and remain free of international incidents having a weekly shock impact on energy prices.

Instead, we are now less safe than we were before, and more dependent, once again, on bad actors around the globe for oil:

Appearing on CNN Newsroom Tuesday, White House Council of Economic Advisors member Jared Bernstein could only suggest doubling down on measures that have already failed to control rising oil prices that lead to higher gas and diesel costs.

As for the domestic oil and gas industry, Bernstein remained consistent with past anti-industry rhetoric from the President and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. He made no mention of any administration efforts to incentivize America’s oil and gas producers to raise America’s own production here at home. Instead, he reverted to tired talking points about efforts by regulators to protect consumers from undue price increases by Big Oil.

Thus, at the end of the interview, Bernstein leaves us with a clear picture of a struggling President and advisors who plan to double down on the failures they’ve already produced. With his desired $555 billion in new and expanded subsidies for wind, solar and electric vehicles stalled along with the Build Back Better bill, Biden’s environmental legislative agenda has hit a wall as well.

It’s the oil companies, dammit, why can’t you people understand that! Democrats love to hate oil and gas because they love windmills and unicorns. The problem is that the country still runs on oil and gas, with no way to replace that.

Thus, in this situation, where Russia is about to invade Ukraine, and international trade is being threatened in a variety of ways, oil prices are spiking and American consumers will pay the price for Biden’s mishandling of a prosperous domestic energy policy he inherited from former President Trump.

Rep. Pete Sessions, a Republican Congressman from Texas’ 17th District, rightly points out that while Russia is expanding oil capacity and distribution around the world, House Democrats are dragging oil company executives to Capitol Hill and demanding testimony about climate change:

The Biden administration and Democrats have waged war on the American oil and gas industry, all while Russia expands its oil and gas footprint around the world. Off the bat, President Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, stopped leasing on federal lands, and unleashed regulations that have destroyed at least 10,000 good-paying oil and gas jobs.

Despite these companies being industry leaders when it comes to technology and innovation to reduce carbon emissions, Democrats have attempted to depose these executives to further their agenda. This has been done by issuing countless legal document requests and holding hearings meant for partisan show, rather than gain.

You want windmills and unicorns, fine, put them up in your backyard, or don’t, if you’re the Kennedys, but don’t cripple the American energy sector on a garbage climate change agenda that will have everyone paying $5 a gallon by summer.

Regardless of what Biden or his cabinet minions say, gas prices are rising to record levels and will soon be crippling the economy:

As consumer prices have jumped across several categories, few items have come to symbolize pandemic-era inflation more than gasoline.

A Thursday report showed gas prices have gained 40% over the past year, through January. Gas now costs an average $3.44 per gallon across the US, the Energy Information Administration said Monday. That’s the highest since September 2014 and nearly $1 more than the pre-crisis average.

Meanwhile, focused on the price of prescription drugs, Biden has no answers for this, and no real solutions other than to meander and garble words about oil companies and supply chain problems.

The goal of the Trump administration was to never have to worry about international supply chain problems affecting domestic oil production or availability. We have more oil than Saudi Arabia, but Democrats are bent on making us deal with foreign adversaries to power our economy.

It’s a scandal that Biden is paying for with dwindling poll numbers and fleeting support. If you supposedly care about the country and the plight of the “average Joe” in Scranton, then maybe you’d be more conscious of what it means to upend our domestic oil production and destroy working-class household budgets.

Nate Ashworth

The Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Election Central. He's been blogging elections and politics for over a decade. He started covering the 2008 Presidential Election which turned into a full-time political blog in 2012 and 2016 that continues today.

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